Book Reviews

In my journey to grow as a professional I’ve taken it upon myself to read books on interesting topics ranging from personal development to relevant discipline-related publishing, technical and professional writing.

It’s easy to get lost in the plethora of options we have when it comes to finding a good book, and there are only 24 hours in a day so you’d want your choice to be worth it.

As such, I’ve compiled a list of books I read and will give each one a review to help you determine if it’s something you’d want to read.

The List: (unordered, unfinished)

  • Start with Why
  • The Infinite Game
  • Mindset
  • Grit
  • The Subtle art of not giving a F*ck
  • The Obstacle is the Way
  • The Art of Business Value
  • The Phoenix Project
  • The DevOps Handbook
  • Accelerate
  • Drive
  • Influence, the psychology of persuasion
  • Thinking, fast and slow
  • Tribal Leadership
  • The Toyota Way
  • Multidimensional Databases and Data Warehousing
  • SOA Principles of Service Design
  • Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
  • Enterprise Integration Patterns
  • Requirements Engineering Fundamentals
  • Service Design Patterns
  • Microservice Architecture
  • Just enough Software Architecture
  • Fundamentals of Software Architecture
  • Software Architecture: The Hard Parts
  • Designing Data-Intensive Applications
  • Software Architecture in Practice
  • Domain-Driven Design
  • The Software Architect Elevator